That’s a wrap!! Spirit week was a blast! Thank you everyone for all the fun, laughter, memories, and new experiences!! (Blind department is planning big things for their Homecoming week from February 13-17. Stay tuned for more information!)
about 2 years ago, VSDB
elementary students wearing black T-shirts with a cardinal logo posing for a picture with the cardinal mascot
elementary students and elementary teacher making funny faces at the camera
several students stand near a table to pick up their cardinal designs
Pre-k students, teacher, and intervener pose for a picture with the cardinal mascot
Deaf Department Homecoming pep rally and basketball games were on Wednesday, January 18. During the pep rally, our homecoming court was announced and the King and Queen were crowned. Congratulations to them all! During the pep rally, our students performed the VSDB Fight Song, skits developed by each class, creative group activities, and more!
about 2 years ago, VSDB
homecoming court. students are all dressed in formal attire and lined up on the stage
a student runs in front of the crowd sitting on the bleachers to lead the human wave
a group of elementary students perform their skit
the spirit team shares a group hug after completing the VSDB fight song
Our principal, Lindsay Burris, is “simply the best” and we wanted to show her just how much we appreciate her today as part of Virginia School Principal Appreciation Week. Join us in thanking her for ALL she does for our students and staff.
about 2 years ago, VSDB
principal, wearing a grinch onesie, given a black sash that’s says “best principal ever” and posing with superintendent Pat Trice
large group of students sitting in the lobby and lining the stairs. they are holding various signs in appreciation of the principal
students lining the upstairs balcony and holding banners and streamers in support of the principal
principal Lindsay with her arms full of cards, posters, and streamers. more students surround her cheering and giving her more cards
Thank you to WHSV for your article covering our Deaf Department Homecoming Basketball Games. We are also so thankful for our Athletic Director and Basketball Coaches!!
about 2 years ago, VSDB
Two of our Blind Department students, Nikita and Amayah, are at Page County High School this weekend. They are rehearsing for a concert to be performed by all of the students in district choir. The concert is Saturday at 1:00 pm at Page County High School.
about 2 years ago, VSDB
two students sitting in an auditorium with a few other students scattered in other seats
group image of many students standing on risers and looking at sheet music
Our imPECKable staff wish the VSDB basketball teams a safe trip and good luck on their games at Delaware School for the Deaf today!
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
Two female staff wearing black shirts with birds nests and cardinals in their hair
Deaf Department Homecoming Day 2 - Crazy Sock Day and Knockout game!
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
9 sets of feet with silly socks
Elementary girl shooting a basketball
Large group of students surrounding another student while cheering him on
Deaf Department’s homecoming week is off to a great start. Today was “wear a shirt you can read” day and the students all gathered to create their own Cardinal medallions. The Homecoming basketball games will begin Wednesday at 4:00 pm. All are invited to join us!
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
Large group of students and staff holding up their cardinal designs on paper cutouts.
In its 183rd year, VSDB is excited to see progress continue on its Main Hall building, the oldest continually used building of its kind in the United States. The exterior only renovation has been a two year project and is expected to be completed late spring. It's been a long process but it is wonderful to see the exterior of Main Hall restored to its former glory!
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
VSDB Main Hall. Steps leading to a brick walkway that leads to the iconic white columns of the Main Hall building. The left and right wings of the building are also visible in this photo. .
One column of the Main Hall building and the left wing
Close up view of the six white columns of the Main Hall building
VSDB will be having a School Spirit week January 16th through January 20th with themed dress-up days and fun events. Monday - Read a T-Shirt Day: Wear a T-Shirt that has words for others to read! Tuesday - Crazy Socks Day: Put on your crazy mismatched socks! Wednesday - Black and Red Day: Wear all black and red for the Pep Rally and basketball game! Thursday - Wacky Hair or Hat Day: Show off your favorite hat or crazy hairstyle! Friday - Cardinal Project Day: Wear your handmade Cardinal that you made at school
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
VSDB School Spirit Week chart of activities. Monday, Jan 16 Read a t-shirt day and make a Cardinal project. Tuesday, Jan 17 Crazy Sock Day and Knockout Game. Wednesday, Jan 18 Red and Black Day with Pep Rally and Homecoming Basketball game. Thursday, Jan 19 Wacky Hair or Hat Day and Pin the Beak on the Cardinal game. Friday, Jan 20 Wear Your Cardinal Project Day and Sweep the Potato game.
Description of Spirit Week. It reads "Let's get in the spirit! VSDB will be having a School Spirit week January 16th through January 20th with themed dress-up days and fun events.  Please remember to follow the VSDB dress code when choosing outfits.     Read a T-Shirt Day: Wear a T-Shirt that has words for others to read! Crazy Socks Day: Put on your crazy mismatched socks! Black and Red Day: Wear all black and red for the Pep Rally and basketball game! Wacky Hair or Hat Day: Show off your favorite hat or crazy hairstyle!  Cardinal Project Day: Wear your handmade Cardinal that you made at school      VSDB has worked hard this year, and now we will celebrate together!  HIP, HIP, HOORAY: VSDB School Spirit Week!"
Weekly virtual story times are back! A new story will be read each week - at 4:00 in ASL and spoken English, and at 4:30 read aloud with picture descriptions. This invitation to join is open to anyone and does not require pre-registration - just click the same link each week to join us live on Zoom.
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
Blue background with red a white text. The Virginia school for the deaf and the blind virtual story times. Every Wednesday beginning 1/25/23. 4:00-4:30 ASL/spoken English. 4:30-5/00 pm described read aloud. No registration. Join live via zoom An image of multicolored books stacked high with two ladders propped against them. One girl with blonde hair is climbing up the side ladder. One boy with brown curly hair is standing at the top with both arms raised in celebration.
We are looking forward to finally seeing our Blind Department students perform their Winter Concert. Although there were several postponements before our winter break, the students have continued practicing and the concert has been rescheduled for this Thursday, January 12, at 1:00 pm in the Auditorium of Healy Hall. We hope you will either join us in person or via live stream on Facebook.
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
All blind department students lined up in front of and on the stage while rehearsing for the winter concert
Student playing the piano
One student holding a microphone and her cane while singing, one student playing drums in the background
Today is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and we cannot thank our fantastic Public Safety team for keeping our campus safe and secure 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Rain, snow, sleet, or shine - they are always ready to lend a helping hand and keep our students and staff safe. Not everyone is pictured in this photo from earlier this year, but please extend your appreciation to ALL of our Public Safety team for everything they do for our campus!
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
Photo of six public safety staff standing outside among yellow fall foliage
Image of blue police shield with lighter blue background with text “National law enforcement appreciation day January 9”
VSDB's Blind Soccer program was featured in a news story done by NTDTV. NTDTV (New Delhi Television Ltd) is an Indian news media company focusing on broadcast and digital news publication. They spotlight news from India and from around the world. NTDTV stories are shown in the US as well as internationally. Thank you NTDTV for highlighting the hard work of our students and coaches in the Blind Soccer program. #VSDBproud #blindsoccer
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
VSDB is proud of two of its alumni from the Blind Department. Sean Walker and Christian King are key players on the Team USA International Goalball team. They were recently overseas participating with the USA team in the World Championship games. Christian was recognized as the MVP in the game on Dec 13 against Iran and Sean was recognized as the MVP in the game on Dec 14 against Columbia. Team USA finished 5th in Group D. VSDB is proud of these young men! Go VSDB Alumni!
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
screenshot of ANDDVIS post saying "player of the match Lewis Walker (M) United States-Colombia). He is pictured wearing his Team USA jersey  standing with his arm around a woman in a bright pink ANDDVIS collared shirt
screenshot of ANDDVIS post saying "player of the match Christian King (M) Iran-United States" Christian is wearing his Team USA jersey and is smiling and holding his player of the match award. He is standing next to a man in a yellow ANDDVIS polo
five VSDB staff huddled in front of a screen showing the end of the USA-Colombia match, celebrating the Team USA win. Superintendent Pat Trice is pointing to the final score 13-3.
VSDB wishes all of our staff and students a safe and happy winter break! See you in the New Year!
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum
large group of staff waving as buses of students leave for winter break
group of staff, some with festive holiday wear on, waving to students as they leave
group of staff, some with festive holiday wear on, waving to students as they leave
group of staff, some with festive holiday wear on, waving to students as they leave
Christian King and Sean Walker, two VSDB Alumni and Goalball players, are currently overseas and playing in the 2022 Goalball World Championships! Yesterday, Christian won the game with extra throws to advance the team to today's preliminary game! If they win today, they advance to the quarterfinals tomorrow. Match begins @ 12:10 pm streamed through the link below: GO CHRISTIAN & SEAN & USA GOALBALL! 💙❤
about 2 years ago, Julie Saum